Introduction of Mid-stream Operation in Hong Kong

1.    General Information


Service Agents in Hong Kong

Cargo Acceptance

Special points to note on inbound container

2.   Operation procedures of ¡°Inbound Container¡± (vice versa on outbound)

Location of vessel anchorage or buoy mooring and backup facility

Lifting barge to alongside vessel

Lifting barge to lift-off hatch cover

Lifting barge to discharge/loading underdeck container

 3.    Mode of delivery services on ¡°Inbound Container¡± under Hong Kong local Bills of Lading

Direct tackle (consignee pick-up container by barge)

Water-front floating CY (consignee pick-up container by barge)

River Trade Terminal (CY delivery under Merchant¡¯s haulage)

 4.    Mode of delivery services on ¡°Inbound container¡± under China Through Bills of Lading

Direct tackle (CCA feeder company pick-up container by barge)

Water-front floating CY (CCA feeder company pick-up container by barge)

River Trade Terminal (EGH HKG manage onward movement of Door delivery inbound container to ¡°Shenzhen or Dongguan¡± areas under Carrier¡¯s haulage)

 5.    Mode of delivery services on ¡°Inbound Container¡± to Shenzhen or Dongguan areas under Door delivery Bills of Lading

Via Yantian to Shenzhen

Via direct cross-border trucking from Hong Kong

 6.    Sum-up of mode of services of Inbound Container

Picture illustration

Diagram illustration of over-all routings

Diagram illustration of Hong Kong local inbound via tackle delivery routing

Diagram illustration of Hong Kong local inbound via water-front floating CY routing (if missed tackle delivery)

Diagram illustration of Hong Kong local inbound via RTT routing (CY delivery under Merchant¡¯s haulage)

Diagram illustration of China transshipment via tackle routing

Diagram illustration of China transshipment via water-front floating CY routing (if missed tackle delivery)

Diagram illustration of China transshipment via RTT (cross border trucking to Shenzhen or Dongguan door under Carrier¡¯s haul)

Stowage plan

7.     Introduction of River Trade Terminal (RTT)

Terminal layout

Container yard

Pier crane facility

Transtainer facility

7.     Safety

Last modified: 25 November, 2001

Background on Mid-stream Operation

Cost savings: Lower operation expenses than HIT and elimination of tug boat and berth services

Competitions: Enable to compete with other shipping lines with the same mid-stream services


a.       Faster transit time on through Bills of Lading inbound container to China under direct tackle connection/delivery to CCA feeder/barge (vice versa for China¡¯s through Bills of Lading outbound container)

b.      Widening the scope of inbound container service by providing tackle delivery to Hong Kong consignee

Inauguration: Uni-Shine voyage 0074-149 arrived Hong Kong under Nov/16/1998

Liftings in Year 1999 and Year 2000:


Year 1999

Year 2000


55,244 TEU

77,553 TEU


17,898 TEU

30,842 TEU


73,142 TEU

108,395 TEU


Service Agents in Hong Kong



Evergreen Star Hong Kong Ltd.

General agents

Floata Consolidation Ltd. 

a) Mid-stream cargo operator, responsible for all operations, supervise and co-ordinate with stevedore and barge operator. Floata is responsible to providing transshipment container receiving and delivery service with the backup of floating CY and yard facility.

b) Barge and depot operator, providing local container receiving and delivery, transshipment containers and with backup of container yard service.

River Trade Terminal Co., Ltd.

Terminal operator, sub-contractor of Floata Consolidation Ltd, mainly handle the release of inbound container to consignee and the transshipment container receiving and delivery.      





Cargo Acceptance on Mid-stream Operation

Inbound container

General cargo under CY delivery and tackle delivery to consignee only

D.G. cargo acceptable 

No reefer cargo acceptable

No special commodity with license/permit required acceptable

Over-sized cargo must with prior enquiry and confirmation from party concerned

Official announcement on opening of services by UGMC TPE are the servicing ports locating within the vicinity of Guangdong Province and Fujian Province

 Official announcement of fleet assignments on service by UGMC TPE are as follows:

a.      THK service: Uni-Obtain, Uni-Onward (or substitutions or additionals)

b.     TIH service: Uni-Forward, Uni-Fortune, Uni-Master, (or substitutions or additionals)

c.      TVN service: Uni-Forever, Uni-Crown (or substitutions or additionals)

d.     NSA service: Uni-Aspire, Uni-Adroit (or substitutions or additionals) - (Note: NSA is double calling at Hong Kong i.e. HIT and mid-stream)

e.      NSB service: Uni-Angel, Uni-Concord, Uni-Assent, Uni-Pacific ,       Uni-Ahead, (or substitutions or additionals)

f.       NSC service: Uni-Corona, Uni-Crown, Uni-Chart (or substitutions or additionals)

g.     NSD service: Uni-Value, Uni-Valor, Uni-Vital, Uni-Vigor, (or substitutions or additionals)

h.     NSG service: Uni-Orient, Uni-Concord, Uni-Mercy, Uni- (or substitutions or additionals)

i.       HBH service: Shalamar, Lalazar (or substitutions or additionals) - (Note: HBH is space charter from Sinotrans and serving North China/Hong Kong routing)

j.       HCH service: Uni-Assure (or substitutions or additionals

k.     JTX service: Kuo Tai, Kuo Chia, Vasos, YM Bangkok, (or substitutions or additionals) - (Note: JTX is space charter from Yang Ming) 



Special Points to note on Inbound Containers

1.   Operation expenses for through Bill of Lading inbound

Direct tackle delivery is most economical. Delivery via water-front floating CY will be higher. The highest is via River Trade Terminal.

2.    Free-time storage

General cargo: 4 days in floating CY counting from date of vessel arrival (start of vessel operation) in Hong Kong. Date of delivery to CCA is also counted as 1 day.

General cargo: 10 days in River Trade Terminal counting from date of vessel arrival (start of vessel operation). Date of delivery to CCA is also counted as 1 day.

3.   Documentation

Timely and proper dispatch of G.E. manifest; amendments; consignee and/or notify party and/or cargo descriptions in Chinese version; will facilitate prompt connection of China transshipment container.

4.   China transshipment container

Unless of extremely commercial needs, otherwise better not to accept client¡¯s request on designation of ¡°CCA feeder company¡± and/or ¡°Terminal of entry¡±. Reasons due in acceptance of such request may limit the chance of tackle delivery in Hong Kong and/or paying higher feeder freight and/or having our containers scattered to different place/ terminal in one single port and resulting empty container can not be pooled together in one or two CCA¡¯s container yard.

5.   Door delivery container to Shenzhen or Dongguan areas

Normally there are two separate gateways to deliver container (not counting Taiping). One is via feeder vessel to Yantian then onward movement via domestic trucking. The other is via direct cross-border trucking form Hong Kong. Must make clear with shipper on the requiremnet at time of booking. This is because the container via Yantian will store in water-front floating CY, while via direct cross-border trucking will store in Floata¡¯s River Trade Terminal. Any mis-handling will cause extra cost and/or problem.
